Living In the Fast Lane

Welcome to my shameless self serving Blog

I wish I could help you decide, I have been looking at this photo for years and still cant decide, I think that I love them all, that may be my problem. Anyway this Blog is not about them, it is about us. You and Me.  I hope to hear from you, and look forward to your thoughts and opinions.   OH…. One last thought all additions are welcome. 🙂  Thanks

My Philosophy

Take Time to Think Things Through
Take a moment to compose yourself
Take a moment to compose yourself
Try not to make the Journey through life by yourself
Make as many friends as possible and spend time with them.
Make Friends
Make the best of any situation you find yourself in.
Be resourceful


Try NOT to take yourself too seriously.
Try to Laugh as often as you can
Make Red Wine and important part of your diet.gloria3
Try to have cool cars and pets.Pets & Cool Cars #2
Try to have as many toys as possible.Life is Good @17
Fish When ever you get a chance.
Work Hard and Play Harder.
Never forget people who are important to you !WeezPumkin#2 cropped
Never Compare your self to others, for always there will be lesser and greater persons than yourself and  you will become either Vain or Bitter.